How to create interactive PowerPoint presentations with live audience polling

The iVote-App audience response system has been designed to work with PowerPoint. Why? Well, because most presenters around the world still use PowerPoint as their first-choice presentation tool. Think of the last presentation you attended? What was the presenter using as a visual aid during the presentation? If I had to place a bet, I’d say it was good old PowerPoint. Of course, I may be wrong, but you get the (power)point I’m trying to make! Live Polling With Seamless PowerPoint Integration Many presenters have years of content that they have created, updated and reused in PowerPoint. They are familiar with the editor interface and its features. Hundreds, even thousands of slides painstakingly created using knowledge inherited over time ready to pass on to attendees. The addition of live polling audience members has changed the landscape of traditional PowerPoint presentations. One-way communication from presenter to audience ...